I just wrote an article on some general observations that I have had at the 10-day mark of this experiment. This article is aptly named “Day 10 Observations,” and you can find it here. In that article, I noted how I am dreaming a lot more at night, and I am also finding myself having many more internal conversations with myself about observations in daily life. This is what I want to talk about.
If you know me, you know that I am an extroverted (off the charts), detail oriented, external processor. Most of the time, when I need to come to a conclusion with someone, I will say,
“Don’t pay too much attention to the details when I start, pay attention to the details when I land,”
This is to help people not get hung up on the processing that takes place in the public domain as I get all of my words out to form a conclusion. I have learned that I have to do this with my wife, Megan because sometimes the early details are nowhere near the outcome and she might have some input on something that I left behind figuring out what I actually thought. I hope this makes sense, I think I did a little verbal processing right there.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand; internal conversations. Megan has said to me a few times recently, I want to know what you are thinking, you seem focused on something right now. This is 100% new to me. I wear my emotions on my sleeve, I don’t shy away from conflict (this is why I think I’m an 8 on the Enneagram, not a 7, but that’s another article), I do not hide my words or communicate passively. Everything about me is precisely like you see it.
I sent a message to Megan yesterday and it said:
“I promise that I am not becoming an introvert.”
Not that there is anything wrong with my
So why is this happening now? I think that I am starting to feel the effects of not having any inputs. When my brain isn’t given something to think about: facebook posts, edited Instagram photos, tv shows, commercials, youtube videos, audiobooks, podcasts, etc., my brain has the freedom to think about things that interest me. Not because someone told me I should, but because it is
Now that I think about it (unintentional play on words) when it comes up in
It seems to me that by not giving my brain something to think about I am starting to explore a lot of the things that catch my attention. Some recent thoughts:
- What is the healthy level for impatience with where I am at in life and the pursuit of my goals or possesions?
- How long would it take, and what would it cost, to cut down all the trees on my back property line and replant healthier, nicer, and better privacy options?
- Why do I pursue so much freetime in my schedule but it seems like I watch the clock until my kids go to bed, and then I sit bored at home wondering what to do?
There are some surface level questions but also some hard hitters, and I like this. I am taking the time to challenge some of my own assumptions and allowing myself to be curious about things I might have paid no attention to in the past.